For athletes like us, it is extremely important to understand the mechanics of endurance training and running in order to reduce the risk of injury and improve overall performance. Without this knowledge and/or proper coaching, the undiscovered flaws in your technique can result in multiple undesired side effects.

The key to maximizing performance by correcting and optimizing the way you run has largely remained elusive to most everyone short of experts in biomechanics and elite coaches. Unfortunately, many runners subscribe to the idea that they will naturally find their ideal stride and that it shouldn’t be changed. However, just like riding a bicycle or throwing a baseball, running is a skill that has to be learned. Consequently, the hitch in the plan to learn how to properly run is that there are just so many completely wrong ideas around out there.

Good Form – The Difference Between Winner and Runner-up!

Studies show that our body and leg mechanics are naturally suited for running many miles over long periods of time. However, improper form can not only lead to injury, other results can be quite unpleasant as well.

Abdominal pain is a common complaint among participants in endurance sports and a possible cause is incorrect mechanics and form. Joint pain and excessive muscle soreness may be attributed to several factors, including improper shoes, inadequate stretching and, of course, incorrect mechanics.

However, these days we can utilize technology in our quest for better mechanics. The video analysis here at BPC is a fantastic tool that can help pinpoint weak points or flaws in your biomechanics or technique. With the use of video analysis software with a high frame rate camera, we are able to show you exactly when and where you could be losing efficiency and power, or even subjecting yourself to injury prone movement patterns. All in person running analysis sessions last about an hour and include on the spot video analysis and coaching during that session. Afterwards, we will show you drills and suggest strength work that can be done to resolve any issues that were detected and your coach will send you a recap email with some of the main issues found during the session.

If you’re in the Memphis area you can also hire one of our coaches to help you reach milestones you never thought possible.  Contact us today for a free review of your current training regimen. We will analyze it and discuss any changes we would make to your program in order to maximize your results and work with you to find a training schedule that meets your needs.


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